Mutha Magazine interview with HOW MAMAS LOVE THEIR BABIES author Juniper Fitzgerald
Juniper Fitzgerald talks about her new book with Rachel Aimee, via Mutha Magazine
"Juniper Fitzgerald and I haven’t met in real life (yet), but when she first emailed me in the fall of 2016, we both thought we knew each other. 'Did we study in Amsterdam together?' Juniper asked. 'At the summer program on sexuality? I was the nerdy vegan interested in Paleolithic art.' I wrote back that I hadn’t studied in Amsterdam, but that I thought we’d met at a SWOP picnic in Central Park: 'I had my daughter with me and you had a rabbit.' But it turned out we hadn’t met then either: 'As much I’d like to take credit for the bunny identity, that sadly was not me.'"
Read the full interview about HOW MAMAS LOVE THEIR BABIES here.
How Mamas Love Their Babies
Juniper Fitzgerald and Elise Peterson
Mamas work in different ways to take care of their babies, but everything they do is out of love.