Meet OUR Staff
Rachel Gilman (she/her) is the director of sales and marketing at the Feminist Press. She is also the hostess of the Wine and Pine Reading Series, the Creator of the femme arts journal The Rational Creature, and a writer based in Manhattan. She holds a BA in Individualized Study from NYU, an MFA in Writing from Columbia University, and an MSt in Creative Writing from the University of Oxford. rgilman[at]feministpress[dot]org.
Tyler Kristin Hubbert (she/her) is the publicity and events coordinator at the Feminist Press. A New Jersey native, she is a graduate of The College of New Jersey where she studied English literature, publishing, and women's, gender, and sexuality studies. Before beginning at FP Tyler spent five years working in academic publishing at Princeton University Press. An avid traveler, Tyler is drawn to works in translation. Particularly from French, a language she is currently trying to learn. tyler[at]
Alicia Lim (she/her) plays a key role in overseeing FP’s daily activities as director of operations. She works closely with staff and the Board to ensure the successful execution of FP’s mission and strategic goals. Alicia entered the independent publishing world by way of working at indie bookstores and has over a decade of experience working in mission-driven art and tech spaces. A lifelong champion of artists and creators, she believes in the power of creative work to connect people and empower communities to create social change. alicia[at]feministpress[dot]org.
Kameel Mir is an associate editor at the Feminist Press. She is a graduate of the University of Georgia and holds an MFA in Fiction from Brooklyn College. She has worked in the book business and literary space in various capacities for the past six years. In her spare time, she writes fiction and cultural criticism, pieces of which have been published in Lux Magazine, HAD, Scalawag, and The New Inquiry. She loves to read the best prose she can find and organize for socialist causes when she can, and she hopes to soon relearn the piano and resume her study of languages (namely Arabic and her native Bengali). kameel[at]feministpress[dot]org.
Rachel Page (she/her) is the managing editor and development coordinator at the Feminist Press. She is a graduate of Columbia University, where she studied English and ethnic studies. rachel[at]feministpress[dot]org.
Drew Stevens (he/him) is the art director at the Feminist Press. He joined the Feminist Press staff in 2008. Hailing from Louisville, Kentucky, he has lived in New York for over 20 years and has been designing books for over 25. Some of his book designs can be viewed on his website drew[at]feministpress[dot]org.
Jeanne Thornton started working in publishing at Seven Stories Press in 2008, and she has worked with Berghahn Books, Stacked Deck Press, Greenleaf Book Group, and as the copublisher of Instar Books. She is the author of Summer Fun (winner of the Lambda Literary Award for Transgender Fiction), as well as The Black Emerald, The Dream of Doctor Bantam, and the forthcoming A/S/L, and the coeditor of We’re Still Here: An All-Trans Comics Anthology. Her writing has appeared in n+1, WIRED, Harper’s Bazaar, Evergreen Review, Epiphany, and other places. She maintains a website at jeanne[at]feministpress[dot]org.
Zenzelé Clarke (she/they) is a writer, administrative professional, and good-time-haver based in Brooklyn, NY. She graduated from FAU with a BA in Multimedia Studies and a minor in Spanish. Academic interests include international cinema and Black feminist epistemologies, and foreign languages. Non-academic interests include hot humid weather, dancing like no one's watching, and ginger flavored soft drinks.
Naya Solomon (she/her) is a writer and illustrator from New York. She authors a monthly newsletter focused on fashion, culture, and beauty. As a lover of thrillers and found footage films, she peruses Letterboxd in her free time, and when she’s not writing reviews, she’s scouring the city for her next favorite restaurant.
Our staff portraits are by Bishakh Som, author of APSARA ENGINE. Som is an artist, illustrator, and writer whose work has appeared in the New Yorker, BuzzFeed, the Boston Review, and the Brooklyn Rail, among others. Her books include Spellbound: A Graphic Memoir, and The Prefab Bathroom: An Architectural History, and she was also a contributor to We're Still Here: An All-Trans Comics Anthology. Som is currently based in Brooklyn, New York.