Immigrants are welcome here.


Dear Friends,

As the government escalates efforts to close borders to all but a privileged few, a chorus of resistance rises in support of a clean Dream Act, and the legal status of millions of U.S. residents hangs in the balance, we at Feminist Press have a message to share.

To all immigrants, we say: You are welcome in this nation, in our community, and in the inclusive literary canon we hold dear.

Since our founding in 1970, this press has provided a home for immigrant writing and literary border-crossings of all kinds. Our catalog is full of nuanced, diverse accounts of immigrant life that overturn the divisive tropes and stereotypes dominating mainstream narratives.

In this moment of swelling xenophobia and nationalist vitriol, we're more dedicated than ever to building community and knocking down walls.

We'll keep investing in immigrant writers, like our Louise Meriwether Winner First Book Prize winners YZ Chin and Claudia D. Hernández, and the many contributors to our forthcoming anthology of Asian diasporic writing Go Home! We’ll continue spreading their stories far and wide to inspire compassion and creativity in public dialogue.

We believe that books build bonds, not walls. Your support makes our mission possible—can we count on you to join our movement?

Your donation of $10, $25, $100, or any amount that is meaningful to you supports our work to empower immigrant writers and deepen discourse on the critical issues of our time.

In solidarity,

The Feminist Press Team
Jamia, Suki, Lucia, Alyea, Hannah, Lauren, Jisu, Sophia, and Drew

P.S. Look for our posts over the next month, where we’ll dive deep into FP’s legacy as a home for immigrant stories and share our vision for publishing as a means to open doors and erode borders.

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