Double your impact by donating to FP

Dear friends of FP,

We have a burning question . . . Have you heard the good news? For the next few weeks, every donation you make to FP will be doubled, thanks to our anonymous matching donor.

That means if you donate $15, we’ll get $30 to double our book donations to mission-aligned organizations that need them! In 2021, we’ve given books to groups like the Poulin Project, which distributes free books to public libraries, schools, and prisons in New York State, and Blk Book Swap, a free book-exchange initiative.

If you donate $50, we’ll get $100 to support our apprenticeship program, which provides valuable mentorship, paid experience, and resources for people looking to break into the oft-gatekept publishing industry.

And if you donate $500, we’ll get $1,000 to further our efforts to diversify the literary landscape by publishing more fiery debuts, risk-taking literature, and feminist writing in translation from around the world.

Today is the perfect opportunity to give, because all donations to FP will be matched until we hit our goal of $5,000. We’re now 42% of the way to our goal, and you can help us get there.

Don’t miss out on your chance to give double!

With gratitude,

The Feminist Press team—Lauren, Rachel, Lucia, Drew, Jisu, Nick, Isla, Nadine, Ozichi, Lanesha, and Sophie

Graphics by Alicia Prieto

Jisu Kim