Build feminist community with us

Dear friends of FP,

The power of feminist literature doesn’t end when a book is published—that’s only the beginning. The next component of our theory of change begins with something anyone can do: sharing a Feminist Press book you love with a new reader. 

At FP, we believe in building community through reading. Our books provide vital resources for creating change within our own communities, from lessons for political action in Radical Reproductive Justice to guidance for parents of Black children in Trina Greene Brown’s Parenting for Liberation.

Every time we host an author event, or feature an FP book in a book club, our books also help build new communities, bringing people together through thought-provoking conversations and a shared love of reading.

Your support helps us foster feminist community through literature. Thanks to donors like you, we’re nearly halfway to reaching our fundraising goal of $2,000—and there’s one week left!

Can you pitch in to help us get there? 

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In solidarity,

The Feminist Press team—Lauren, Lucia, Rachel, Jisu, Nick, Isla, and Drew

Graphics by Neeti Banerji

Jisu Kim