A note on forty-seven years of Feminist Publishing

Dear Friends,

This month, Feminist Press founder Florence Howe celebrates her 88th birthday. Forty-seven years ago, after a casual conversation with friends about the possibility of a women’s press, Florence arrived home to find her mailbox stuffed with checks addressed to “The Feminist Press.” Skeptical at first, Florence shouldered the responsibility of a project that women across the US were clamoring for, signaling that readers were very much in need of diverse books.

While this birth story is miraculous, what’s even more so is the life the Press has led. Founded in the 1970s during a burst of feminist publishing initiatives, over four decades later FP is the oldest women’s publisher, with many peer institutions folding and shutting their doors. What gave the Press this stamina? A fearless founder who has dedicated her life to her work, engaging stories, a beloved community, dedicated educators, a generous home at the City University of New York, the energy of countless staff and board members, feminist politics that were always global, and YOU!

From that first mailbox stuffed full of cards with dollar bills and small checks, we’ve always counted on donations and this 47th year is no different. We’ll always need feminist publishing and I hope you’ll join us in staying strong and true in these tumultuous times. As Florence can tell you, it’s amazing the impact a dollar can make.

Much love,

The Feminist Press staff


Lucia Brown