A Feminist Institution is Born


Dear friends of FP,

Here at the Feminist Press, we’re celebrating our Ivan Sandrof Lifetime Achievement Award by revisiting the many accomplishments that have sustained our organization through its remarkable fifty-one-year (and counting!) lifetime. Today, we start with the origins of FP.

The Press was the brainchild of Florence Howe (1929–2020), who in 1970 asked a critical question: Where are all the women writers? With this question, and Florence’s visionary efforts, the Feminist Press was born—but not without the help of many figurative “midwives.” Over the past week, donors like you have made contributions to FP in honor of some of these essential figures in FP’s history: Tillie Olsen, Marilyn French, Elaine Hedges, and Grace Paley, to name just a few.

We would not exist as the world’s longest-runnning feminist publisher without the hard work and courage of our writers and the commitment of our readers, and, of course, supporters like you.

Celebrate with us! Make a donation today in honor of your favorite FP book or author. We’re excited to honor FP’s origins with fifty more years of fantastic feminist literature, and we couldn’t do it without you.

With gratitude,

The Feminist Press team—Lauren, Rachel, Lucia, Jisu, Nick, Drew, Amy, Yannise, and Jackie

Jisu Kim