What Did Miss Darrington See?

What Did Miss Darrington See?


Edited by Jessica Amanda Salmonson
An Anthology of Feminist Supernatural Fiction

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Paperback Edition
Publication Date: 01-01-1993

Winner of a 1989 Lambda Literary Award, this collection of twenty-four entertaining and haunting 19th-and 20th-century tales from the US, Britain, and Latin America reclaims a literary tradition that has long been overlooked. Using such techniques as magic realism, allegory, and surrealism, the authors re-imagine the cliches of supernatural fiction, focusing on female characters and treating traditional themes in inventive and provocative ways. Among the authors included are Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Luisa Valenzuela, Leonora Carrington, Barbara Burford, and Joanna Russ.

"A superb introduction to the vast, often obscured supernatural genre." —Publishers Weekly

"Fans of supernatural fiction will find [a] treat in What Did Miss Darrington See?" —Utne Reader

"[An] excellent theme anthology from the leading American publisher of historic women's writing." —Booklist

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