Feminist authors are making waves because of your support.

This month, we’re showcasing how the Feminist Press mobilizes publishing as a transformative force for justice and equality.

This month, we’re showcasing how the Feminist Press mobilizes publishing as a transformative force for justice and equality.

Dear friends,

In a media landscape dominated by the voices of a select few, it’s imperative that the rest of us have a platform to tell our stories.

Publishing has a long way to go toward true parity. A 2012 study showed that 88% of books reviewed by the New York Times in one year were by white authors. Earlier this year, the most recent VIDA Count reported that eight of the biggest literary outlets publish men more than 60% of the time.

That’s why our culture needs the Feminist Press. We’re fighting to shift the literary landscape by amplifying voices that are too seldom represented in public dialogue. Our press equips a wide-ranging community of authors, translators, and illustrators with the tools to speak out and be heard.

The seventeen titles we published in 2018 represent the diversity of creative voices too often left out of the industry at large. They include:

  • Twelve works written, edited, or illustrated by women of color—that's 70% of our list

  • Eleven works by debut authors and translators launching their literary careers at FP

  • Four works in translation from countries around the globe

  • One winner of the Louise Meriwether First Book Prize, awarded each year to a debut woman/nonbinary author of color

  • One addition to our Amethyst Editions imprint, curated to complicate modern LGBTQ+ narratives beyond the coming-out experience

When you donate to the Feminist Press, you’re investing both in the careers of fierce feminist writers and in the movement toward real equality in the literary world.

Click here to give $25, $50, or $75 and fuel another year of diverse feminist books. Your support means everything to us!

In solidarity,

The Feminist Press Team—Jamia, Nick, Lauren, Drew, Sophia, Hannah, Jisu, and Lucia

P.S. Check out our 2018 Impact Report for a wider view of how we've worked to shift culture this year!

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