This small press is making a big difference for our community.
This month, we’re showcasing how the Feminist Press mobilizes publishing as a transformative force for justice and equality. Read our 2018 Impact Report here.
Dear friends,
Resistance is a community effort… and so is feminist publishing.
This year, our FP community stepped up like never before—to read and share our books, study and teach them in the classroom, interact with authors at book events, visit us at the office, and more.
We couldn’t be prouder to serve such a wide-ranging, global, and truly intersectional feminist movement. Here’s a few of our community highlights from 2018—and click here for a photo slideshow!
We hosted over 100 readings, panels, and workshops in 18 states around the US, plus one in the UK.
Our book events were attended by over 3,500 readers and supporters.
Feminist Press books were taught in nearly 400 university classrooms.
Our youth education event STEAMinism, hosted in partnership with Weill Cornell Medicine’s Big Red STEM Day, convened 100 New York City students in grades 8–12 to promote diversity and social justice in STEAM fields.
FP donated nearly 700 books to social service and cultural organizations.
We’re a small press making a big difference for the feminist literary community. Will you help us grow our global impact with a gift today?
Honor a loved one with a gift in their name. Donate $25, $50, $100, or whatever feels right to you!
Click here for photos of some of our favorite community gatherings this year, including this snapshot of ED Jamia Wilson and illustrator Elise Peterson at a spring book launch!
The Feminist Press Team