Introducing the Meena Alexander Book Donation Fund


“I sit here writing, for I know that time does not come fluid and whole into my trembling hands. All that is here comes piecemeal, though sometimes the joints have fallen into place miraculously, as if the heavens had opened and mango trees fruited in the rough asphalt of upper Broadway.”

—Meena Alexander, from Fault Lines

Dear friends,

Every reader should have the opportunity to have their life changed by a book. At the Feminist Press, we believe that nuanced, thought-provoking feminist literature should be accessible to all. Every year, we donate copies of our books to community centers, shelters, schools, prison libraries, college women's centers, and more. We also offer books to our fellow social justice organizations to help raise funds and build momentum for urgent projects.

Do you want to share life-changing feminist books with the readers who need them most? Give to the Meena Alexander Book Donation Fund. Every dollar you donate will be designated specifically to our book donation program, serving readers from all backgrounds with stories that affirm, educate, and inspire.

About the Fund: Meena Alexander (1951–2018) was an acclaimed poet, scholar, teacher, and advocate for global gender justice. The author of the lyrical memoir Fault Lines, and a longtime member of the WSQ Editorial Board, Meena leaves an enduring legacy at the Feminist Press. With this fund in her name, we honor her remarkable life, poetic craft, and lifelong dedication to the power of feminist storytelling.

Every $15 funds one donated book. Click here to donate, and thank you for your generous contribution!

$15: Give one book
$30: Give two books
$75: Give five books
$150: Give ten books
$300: Give twenty books


Jamia Wilson and the FP team—Lucia, Dorsa, Lauren, Jisu, Rachel, Drew, and Nick

PS. If you or your organization wants to request books via the Fund, let us know here!

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