Our founder Florence's 90th birthday? Let the feminist festivities commence!


Dear friends,

Our founder Florence Howe is about to turn an incredible 90 years old, which means it’s time for a feminist fête for the ages! No matter where you live, you’re invited to celebrate nine decades of a truly storied life at the Fourth Annual Non-Event Event—Birthday Edition.

The Non-Event Event is an FP tradition: a day for our community to gather in spirit and celebrate the world-changing power of feminist literature, without having to leave the house.

For this special Birthday Non-Event, you can join the revelry, share your birthday wishes, and send Florence a gift, all from the comfort of your own home. Cheers!

What: A do-it-yourself, stay-at-home birthday party for Florence
Who: Our dear readers and supporters near and far. That’s YOU!
When: March 17 (right in the middle of Women’s History Month. Coincidence?)
Where: Your festive spot of choice
Why: To honor a trailblazing feminist, teacher, writer, scholar, activist, publisher, and leader on her 90th birthday!

Click here to support the Feminist Press with a birthday gift of $90, $190, or $9/month in honor of Florence’s 90th. Bonus: you can send Florence a birthday message through the donation page!

With birthday cheer and gratitude,

The Feminist Press team: Jamia, Sophia, Nick, Hannah, Lauren, Drew, Lucia, and Jisu

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