Feminist Press > Fox News


Dear friends of FP,

For my whole career, I have worked at independent companies. People use the word “independent” a lot, but I want to talk about what it really means. 

Most books you find in bookstores are published by an imprint that’s a small division within one of the Big Four: corporate conglomerate publishers you can count on one hand, owned by even larger multinational corporations such as News Corp (aka the owners of Fox News). 

There are amazing writers being published by them, and talented dedicated people working there, but the corporate structure means that legally, they must prioritize profits above all else. That creates organizations that are deeply averse to risks and invest their money in what looks like the sure thing. 

What looks like a “financial risk” to an international conglomerate corporation? New voices. Marginalized communities, and the books written by and for them. Anything that doesn’t have a track record or a comparison point that can be plugged into a spreadsheet. 

Great art and literature can only be created by taking risks. Independent publishers like Feminist Press take risks and invest in new voices. But to do so, we need your help.


Keep fighting!

Margot Atwell

Jisu Kim