It all started with a mailbox...

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Dear friends,

The story of the Feminist Press begins with a mailbox. 

In 1970 our founder Florence Howe shared her idea of starting a feminist press at a twenty-person Baltimore Women’s Liberation meeting. Shortly after, she left her home for a month of vacation. When Florence returned, to her surprise, she found her mailbox filled with dozens of letters (and checks!) addressed to “the Feminist Press.” Most of these early donations were small—$5, $10, $15—but with so many votes of confidence in the Feminist Press, Florence knew what she had to do.

This year, we’re writing to you in the spirit of the Feminist Press’s origins. For the past fifty years, we’ve shared our words with you through letters, emails, readings, and hundreds of works of feminist literature. Now we’re asking you, our feminist (pen) pals, to help us continue pursuing our mission of creating a world where everyone can recognize themselves in a book.

Donate to the Feminist Press today, and invest in a literary project that began fifty years ago with a humble mailbox. Just like in the early days of the Press, whatever you give is meaningful—whether it's $15 or $150!

With your help, we can build on the feminist foundations that Florence began, and keep breaking new literary ground for years to come.

With love,

The Feminist Press team—Jamia, Rachel, Lucia, Drew, Nick, Jisu, and Lauren