A world where everyone recognizes themselves in a book

Dear friends of FP,

Why do we need feminist literature?

Florence Howe founded the Feminist Press in 1970 because she saw the need for a wider range of literature than what was available to her and her students. From the start, the Press published stories beyond what had traditionally been represented in publishing—like I Love Myself When I Am Laughing, the now-classic collection of Zora Neale Hurston’s work.

Our theory of change says that literature that centers insurgent and marginalized voices has radical potential. When readers recognize themselves in a book, their understanding of what is possible for their lives is expanded.

And we believe that a world where everyone recognizes themselves in a book is also a world where people are exposed to new ideas that broaden their perspectives on feminism(s)—challenging dominant narratives, connecting us across our struggles, and making us more empathetic people.

Will you build this world with us? Donate to the Feminist Press today! We're nearly a quarter of the way to our goal of raising $2,000 for the next year of feminist literature, and every dollar counts.

In solidarity,

The Feminist Press team—Lauren, Rachel, Lucia, Drew, Jisu, Nick, and Isla

Graphics by Neeti Banerji

Feminist Press