How important is feminist publishing? Ask our authors.

This month, we’re showcasing how the Feminist Press mobilizes publishing as a transformative force for justice and equality. Read our 2018 Impact Report here.

This month, we’re showcasing how the Feminist Press mobilizes publishing as a transformative force for justice and equality. Read our 2018 Impact Report here.

Dear FP family,

How do we at the Feminist Press know we’ve made an impact this year? We listen to our authors. They know better than anyone how much the world needs indie feminist publishing.

Camille Acker_Credit James Britt.png

Camille Acker, author of Training School for Negro Girls:

When I got a book deal from Feminist Press, I cried, not just to realize a dream but to know that people had seen me through my work. Other people believed in the vision I had begun to lose faith in… Somewhere out there, a creative person is waiting to be inspired by the stories only you can tell."


Kit Maude, translator of The Naked Woman by Armonía Somers:

“The thing about Somers’s writing is that it refuses to conform to convention or expectations. In fact, it generally sets out to subvert them in every way possible… When I finally sent it off to the Feminist Press and they came back saying that they thought it could stand to be a little weirder still, I knew we were on to something.”


Rocco Kayiatos, coeditor with Amos Mac of Original Plumbing: The Best of Ten Years of Trans Male Culture:

“Not only will [the book] allow OP to live on in the entirety of this one volume, but it’s also like a time capsule, so it stands for a decade of culture in a way that nothing else does… For queer people and queer history, it doesn't really get preserved.”

We’re thrilled to provide a platform for radical storytellers and feminist truthtellers who are shifting culture through creative resistance. And we’d love your support as we gear up for another year of revolutionary feminist publishing.

Make a gift before December 31 to help us create impact in 2019!

More ways to give!

  • Donate directly from your IRA: If you are 70 ½ or older, you can make a tax-free donation (up to $100,000) to the Feminist Press with a direct rollover from your IRA before December 31. Contact your IRA administrator to start the process.

  • Donate stocks and securities: You can receive tax advantages for donating appreciated securities and stocks to the Feminist Press. You’re entitled to deductions for the full fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift, plus you pay no tax on capital gain value. Consult your tax advisor to learn how your donation can benefit you and FP.

Gratefully yours,

The Feminist Press Team—Jamia, Lucia, Drew, Jisu, Nick, Lauren, Hannah, and Sophia

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