Your Art WILL Save Your Life: 10 Books For Creatives
To celebrate the April 10 release of YOUR ART WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE, Jamia Wilson compiled a list of her favorite inspiring books! What's your favorite book to get creative energy flowing? Tweet @FeministPress and let us know!
Jamia Wilson's 10 Books for Creatives:
Wounds of Passion: A Writing Life
by bell hooks (Holt Paperbacks)
Big Magic:Creative Living Beyond Fear
by Elizabeth Gilbert (Riverhead Books)
Writing Down the Bones
by Natalie Goldberg (Shambhala)
Design the Life You Love
by Ayse Birsel (Ten Speed Press)
Bird by Bird
by Anne Lamott (Anchor)
The Artist’s Way
by Julia Cameron (TarcherPerigee)
Letters to a Young Poet
by Rainer Maria Rilke (Penguin Classics)
The War of Art
by Steven Pressfield (Black Irish Entertainment LLC)