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Sisterhood is Misunderstood: with Rebecca Walker and Helen LaKelly Hunt

  • Union Theological Seminary, James Chapel 3041 Broadway New York, NY, 10027 United States (map)
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"In the wake of the 2016 election, feminism is on fire.  From the women-led Black Lives Matter movement and the WOC-led Women’s March to the mass public revelations of sexual harassment and assault, America hasn’t seen a groundswell like this since the Second Wave.  And yet, the history of injury among women within the movement is a wound that has yet to be meaningfully acknowledged, much less healed.  Drawing lessons from the First and Third Waves, activist-authors Rebecca Walker and Helen LaKelly Hunt discuss what is overlooked in our current moment of political strength and offers tools to build an affirmative culture that can contain difference and meaningfully address white supremacy."

Rebecca Walker is an American writer, feminist, and activist. Walker has been regarded as a prominent feminist voice since she published an article in 1992 in Ms. magazine in which she proclaimed, “I am the Third Wave.” Walker’s writing, teaching, and speeches focus on race, gender, politics, power, and culture. In her activist work, she co-founded the Third Wave Fund that morphed into the Third Wave Foundation, an organization that supports young women of color, queer, intersex, and trans individuals to find the tools and resources they need to be leaders in their communities through activism and philanthropy.

Helen LaKelly Hunt is one of a small army of women who helped to seed the women’s funding movement. She co-founded The Dallas Women’s Foundation, The New York Women’s Foundation, The Women’s Funding Network and Women Moving Millions. She is the author of Faith and Feminism: A Holy Alliance and her latest release, And the Spirit Moved Them, shares the radical history of the abolitionist feminists. Her private foundation, The Sister Fund, focuses on faith, feminism and relationship, all three intrinsic to women’s wholeness. Helen was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame in 2001. In addition, she has co-authored several books with her partner, Harville Hendrix, on Imago Relationship Therapy. They are now working to disseminate Safe Conversations, a new relational technology, that can help manifest the feminist vision to create a more relational culture.

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