Felicia Sullivan’s thrilling, dark new novel Follow Me into the Dark explores the desperate lengths children will go in order to create family.
The book follows Kate, a young baker whose mother is dying of cancer; Gillian, an oversexed hyper-intellectual sleeping with Kate’s stepfather, and Jonah, Gillian’s strange but devoted stepbrother who increasingly matches the description of the “Doll Collector,” a menacing serial killer. Kate’s grief urges her to delve into her festering family history, revealing an eerie legacy just as the Doll Collector’s body count grows. Follow Me Into the Dark is a mystery/thriller that complicates our assumptions of sex, gender, and violence, and the ways in which such societal expectations can exacerbate intimate wrongs.
Felicia C. Sullivan is the author of the critically acclaimed memoir The Sky Isn’t Visible from Here. She maintains the popular lifestyle blog love.life.eat. and lives in Los Angeles.
Felicia Sullivan
Insidious assumptions of sex and violence poison a small-town family.