Alia Mamdouh

Alia Mamdouh was born in Baghdad in 1944 and has been a journalist and writer for over thirty years. She has published novels, collections of short stories, and numerous critical essays.

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Gloria Lisé

Gloria Lisé is an author, lawyer, professor, and accomplished musician. Lisé was 15 years old when a coup d'état overthrew Isabel Martínez de Perón's government in 1976 and a military junta took power.

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Gloria LiséJisu Kim
Sophie Lewis

Sophie Lewis is a London-born writer, editor and translator from French and Portuguese. Recent translations include The Earth Turned Upside Down by Jules Verne (Hesperus) and The Man Who Walked Through Walls by Marcel Aymé (Pushkin). She is a Senior Editor at publisher And Other Stories.

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