Flash sale: 50% off
At Feminist Press, we’re honoring this month by considering what feminism means to us—now and forever. Will you support us in honor of the women in your life?
Whether or not you’ll ever deal with breast cancer, I hope you’ll think Rehearsals For Dying is a cool and interesting and funny experimental memoir—because writing is the way I process experience.
Join Ariel Gore this spring for events in Santa Fe, Portland, New York, San Francisco, and Oakland. Additional tour dates to be announced!
Merging waves of feminist thought from established and emerging Mexican women writers, Tsunami arrives with seismic, groundbreaking force.
This award will support the publication and promotion of six books in 2025, including the debut short story collection Sympathy for Wild Girls (May 2025) and the nonfiction titles in translation from Brazil Putafeminista and So What If I’m a Puta (July 2025).
”Touching and unconventional . . . Epum effectively transports readers inside her mind and offers bracing, funny testimony that will feel familiar to those who’ve struggled with their own anxiety and depression.” —Publishers Weekly